
Postgis Plugin: ERROR: column "sport" does not exist

comichh opened this issue · 1 comments


I use OSM Data to import to postgresql. Rendered standard png tiles are correct. osm data is downloaded from ""

Origin OSM data does not have column sport, but your project.mml need to read column sport. this error occurs when I start renderd , can I ignore it, or how to get column sport?

error message :
renderd[650872]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'default_cyclosm': Postgis Plugin: ERROR: column "sport" does not exist
LINE 12: sport
in executeQuery Full sql was: 'SELECT * FROM (
ST_Snaptogrid(way, 0 / 4) AS way,
way_area AS area,
CASE WHEN landuse IS NOT NULL THEN ('landuse_' || landuse) ELSE NULL END,
CASE WHEN "natural" IS NOT NULL THEN ('natural_' || "natural") ELSE NULL END,
CASE WHEN leisure IS NOT NULL THEN ('leisure_' || leisure) ELSE NULL END,
CASE WHEN amenity IS NOT NULL THEN ('amenity_' || amenity) ELSE NULL END,
CASE WHEN highway IS NOT NULL THEN ('highway_' || highway) ELSE NULL END
) AS type,

Phyks commented

How did you import OSM data into postgresql? You should be using osm2pgsql as stated in the doc to ensure you have all the required tables / columns.
