
Menu button and forms - what should be happening?

ColemanTom opened this issue · 2 comments


Following on from #1654

In that Issue, @oliver-sanders said that the menu not disappearing when you start a form is intentional, so that if you click cancel, it will return back to the menu.

This is intended, it allows you to cancel the command you're editing and return to the menu.

This does not happen. If I click cancel, the menu disappears.

Reproducible Example

Windows, Firefox (only environment I have tested on).

  1. In a workflow, click on the top level menu button
  2. Click the Pencil to open a form
  3. Notice menu is there behind the form
  4. Click Cancel
  5. Notice form AND menu disappear

Expected Behaviour


  1. Open a form, the menu disappears


  1. Open a form, menu remains, click cancel, menu stays up

Sorry, we don't have much time for long responses at the moment.

This is working as intended v2.3.0 - development:


Closed by #1642