
Hover text over nodes for basic summary information

ColemanTom opened this issue · 1 comments


I have not learn all the colours and symbols meanings. When looking at tasks in the UI, I often don't know what their state is.

Proposed Solution

When hovering over a node, provide some sort of summary. Sorry, this isn't very fleshed out, but there are a lot of possible options depending on if the node is a cycle, family, task.

I think perhaps:

  • for a task some information about if the task/job state and timings.
  • for a family/cycle - a count of tasks in different states (like what the LHS area hover provides)

I may be wrong, but I think Cylc7 provided some information on hover?

The key to task and job state icons can be found in the "Guide" which is linked from the dashboard page.

If you click on a task you get a summary which includes a text representation of the task's state e.g. "waiting" at the top of the list of commands.

Tooltips aren't universally popular (we had a lot of negative feedback about their use in the Cylc 7 GUI) and don't work for mobile devices (which is a stated aim of the Cylc UI, though sadly we haven't had the time to put into this as yet) so we use them sparingly.