This is a collection of pixel art fonts that I have made. They are entirely for fun, and therefore are available for free.
They are licensed under the SIL OFL, see the OFL FAQ for usage instructions.
The fonts under the bg folder have a black background, the no-bg folder have a transparent background.
The original Aseprite files are under the ase folder.
The names are all of the form name_wxh, where w and h refer to the number of pixels wide and high that each glyph is. All glyphs are packed with no padding--the padding is built-in to the characters. The range of all fonts is standard ASCII, 32-126, and you can actually get the offset into the png using this formula:
char_w, char_h = 8, 8 # from the font name
c = 97 # any ASCII codepoint
char_x = char_w * (c % 16)
char_y = char_h * ((c // 16) - 2)
# Then the glyph is at (char_x, char_y)
# with (char_w, char_h) as the subregion
Phantasm is based heavily on the wonderful Alagard font by Hewett Tsoi. It's basically a rescale with some characters redone to fit inside the 10x10 bounding box. Check it out if you're looking for a non-monospaced version!