
`release():` error during submission

Opened this issue · 3 comments

pat-s commented

Ran it multiple times.

File size: "3 Mb"Uploading package & commentsConfirming submission
Error in `check_response()`:
! `resp` must be an HTTP response object
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.
1: stop(fallback)
2: signal_abort(cnd, .file)
3: abort("`resp` must be an HTTP response object")
4: check_response(resp)
5: httr2::resp_check_status(r)
6: upload_cran(pkg, built_path)
7: submit_cran()
8: release_impl()
9: force(code)
10: withr::with_dir(usethis::proj_get(), code)
11: with_repo(release_impl())
12: fledge::release()
maelle commented

@pat-s thank you! What branch of fledge were you using?

pat-s commented

HEAD, i.e. 8a8520d

maelle commented

Thank you! We're working on improvements in #686

Thanks for your patience