
Weird memory leak behavior

Closed this issue · 2 comments

DQN-based algorithms have memory leak while training on Atari. The leak doesn't always happen (inconsistent), or happens suddenly in the middle of training.

The function below (numpy to tensor conversion) likely causes the memory leak:

"""in rlcycle/common/utils/"""
def np2tensor(np_arr: np.ndarray, device: torch.device):
    """Convert numpy array to tensor"""
    tensor_output = torch.FloatTensor(np_arr).to(device)
    if device.type == "cuda":
    return tensor_output

def np2tensor2(np_arr: np.ndarray, device: torch.device):
    """Convert numpy array to tensor"""
    tensor_output = torch.from_numpy(np_arr).float().to(device)
    if device.type == "cuda":
    return tensor_output

Fixed memory leak in PR #12
Here's what changed:

  1. Numpy to tensor conversion:
def np2tensor(np_arr: np.ndarray, use_cuda: bool):
    """Convert numpy array to tensor"""
    if use_cuda:
        return torch.from_numpy(np_arr).cuda(non_blocking=True).float()
    return torch.from_numpy(np_arr).cpu().float()

This was recommended by Pytorch in this discussion thread.

  1. Use cuda() instead `.to(device)' to cast cuda tensors. Recommended by Pytorch in this discussion thread.

  2. Added a memory profiler for debugging.