
We need a component test recipe for working with next/navigation in next 13+

muratkeremozcan opened this issue · 2 comments

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The next12 example from Mike Plummer is nice, but needs to be updated for next13

We need a way to make useRouter() work in a component test with next 13+.

This lib may be promising,
but they do not have support for next13+ yet scottrippey/next-router-mock#103.

I have a spot next13 example this need can be reproduced at.

Why is this needed?

Because we need docs and recipes to use Cypress features with the new tech.


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Hi, I'm the developer for next-router-mock, and also a big fan of Cypress and Component testing.

I'm eager to get Next 13 support, and I've started a PR to add this support (as linked above). But since I'm not currently working on a Next 13 project, my knowledge and need for App Router support is not high.

I'd be thrilled to get help on this, so if you're interested in submitting a PR, please do.

And, so far, I've only added docs around using Storybook for component testing. If there's anything that Cypress Component tests need, please let me know, whether it's a feature or just docs.

Moving to documentation repo since this is a documentation concern