
Command 'Angular Schematics: Show schematics list (internal command)' resulted in an error (command 'ngschematics.showtree' not found)

sugidaffection opened this issue · 3 comments

Command 'Angular Schematics: Show schematics list (internal command)' resulted in an error (command 'ngschematics.showtree' not found)

command 'ngschematics.showtree' not found
command 'ngschematics.documentation' not found

i need to re-enable the extensions to solve this problem

i need to re-enable the extensions to solve this problem

Can you elaborate about this? What special action results in having to re-enable the extension?

Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 15 20 05

Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 15 20 26

the extension is not working
i have to re-enable the extension
Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 15 22 49
Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 15 22 58

then the extension working properly
Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 15 23 14

it happened every i open/re-open vscode

OK so you are trying to use this command because the generation options ("Angular: Generate...") in the context menu are missing.

The "Show schematics list" command is not related at all to the generation options appearing in the context menu.

It seems you have a more general issue with the extension activation. So I will close this issue and ask you to open a new one, but this time following the provided issue template, which is here to solve most of this kind of issues (so you will probably not have to post a new issue at all), or if there is still an issue, so I have some information to be able to help you, because currently I have no information at all to locate (and solve) the problem.