
How to create a count of keystrokes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Sorry my C skills are a bit rusty. But what I was after is an output which didn't contain the keystrokes necessarily for privacy reasons, but a running total.

The idea is that I want to measure how long a particular task takes in the amount of actions required. Key strokes in this case would be the action. Ideally mouse operations could be included too.

Otherwise best keylogger I've seen. :P

Hi Kai, this may not be the right tool then, since its main purpose is to break someone's privacy. :)

You could adapt the code though or you can just filter its output:

./xkeylogger | grep -v '^\[+\] ' | tr -d '\n' | wc -m
  • grep -v '^\[+\] ' exclude the header lines;
  • tr -d '\n' remove additional newlines;
  • wc -m counts the characters (not bytes);

Use killall xkeylogger when done.

For the mouse you'll need additional code since this program only parses keyboard events.