
`smmapd` is broken on at least FreeBSD

Opened this issue · 2 comments

zilti commented

As the title says. Not only did it take a four years old(!) mailing list post saying the postfix part of the cyrus documentation is wrong; even when fixing that, the smmapd simply returns nothing when queried.

I created a mailbox using echo 'createmailbox user/example@localhost' | cyradm -u imapuser -w secret localhost.

Using socketmap, Postfix tells me there is no recipient "example@localhost". And indeed, when running postmap -q "smmapd example@localhost" socketmap:unix:/var/imap/socket/smmap:smmapd, nothing is returned.

The correct syntax is postmap -q example@localhost socketmap:unix:/var/imap/socket/smmap:smmapd: after -q there is no smmapd.

Can this be closed?