
Memory leak in propfind_caldata()

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In the excerpt below partial->comp = parse_partial_comp(node); stores in partial->comp pointer to newly allocated memory.

In if (!partial->comp || partial->comp->kind != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT) return *fctx->ret = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; when partial->comp->kind != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT then the memory is not released. This is what the static analyzer sees.

I see in addition that when the parsed XML snippet has for some reason twice <comp/> then partial->comp = parse_partial_comp(node); is executed twice in a row and the memory allocated from the first parse_partial_comp(node) is lost.


Lines 5416 to 5448 in bb6a880

partial->comp = NULL;
/* Check for and parse child elements of CALDAV:calendar-data */
for (node = xmlFirstElementChild(prop); node;
node = xmlNextElementSibling(node)) {
xmlChar *prop;
if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, BAD_CAST "expand") ||
!xmlStrcmp(node->name, BAD_CAST "limit-recurrence-set")) {
partial->expand = (node->name[0] == 'e');
prop = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "start");
if (!prop) return (*fctx->ret = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
partial->range.start = icaltime_from_string((char *) prop);
prop = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "end");
if (!prop) return (*fctx->ret = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
partial->range.end = icaltime_from_string((char *) prop);
else if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, BAD_CAST "comp")) {
partial->comp = parse_partial_comp(node);
if (!partial->comp ||
partial->comp->kind != ICAL_VCALENDAR_COMPONENT) {
return (*fctx->ret = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
else if (!xmlStrcmp(node->name, BAD_CAST "limit-freebusy-set")) {
"Client attempted to use CALDAV:limit-freebusy-set");
return (*fctx->ret = HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);