
Add port configuration

geektortoise opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently, the bootstrap allows to install a Cytomine instance reachable through the URLs on the port 80.

It can be useful to be able to install and test Cytomine using a different port.

To do so, we need to

  • add a configuration variable into the file with the default value to 80.
  • in the start_deploy file, the nginx component will have a port mapping $PORT:80 instead of 80:80
  • replace in the component configuration files the $COMPONENT_URL by $COMPONENT_URL:$PORT
  • In the nginx and host files, it can stay the $URL (without port)

It should be enough to allow the user to be able to connect to cytomine with $CORE_URL:$PORT into its browser :-)

Hi, I want to specify a port of Nginx rather than runing in 80 port.
Would you please give an example about how to modify the so that all the configurations of all components will be modified properly.