
Emails not being sent

AustinGil opened this issue · 1 comments

Im trying to get the email SMTP settings cofigured correctly, and for far I cant seem to get it to work. I've tried using Sparkpost, a Google Suite email account, and a regular Gmail account. I've even enabled Gmail's "less secure app access".

It looks like the configuration file should work with just a Gmail account, so Im not sure what the issue is, but there error I get is:
ERROR CytomineMailService - can't send email org.springframework.mail.javamail.SmartMimeMessage@2fb92c10 (MessagingException)

Following up on this, I did a bit more testing.

The email sending, in fact, does work with Gmail accounts, but only after you enable the "less secure app access".

However, it does not work with GSuite accounts.