Error while uploading image
wl03223373 opened this issue · 1 comments
I have encountered same issue as this,
However i can reach to the host machine from ims container (ping localhost-core, ping, curl localhost-core/server/ping.json )
Disable firewall seems no use.
The Cytomine core version is 3.0.2, can it compatible with new version of WEB_UI ?
before the issue occurs i do try to delete some guest account from the database, these are the related tables.
DELETE FROM public.sec_user_sec_role
DELETE FROM public.sec_user
DELETE FROM public.image_server_storage
DELETE FROM public.storage_abstract_image
DELETE FROM public.sec_user_sec_role
DELETE FROM public.sec_user
and the storage on the vm is close to full (70%), i wonder if its cause the problem.
ims log
catalina out
I just find out that the reason why the upload error occur is because the "Image Server" account being "locked", after "unlock" this account, upload feature has been restore normally.
thanks anyway.