[Bug]: dvl.to not reachable
Ernestopheles opened this issue · 2 comments
Ernestopheles commented
Have you already looked into this bug?
- I have checked the Troubleshooting Guide
- I have checked Release notes for potential migration steps
- I have checked existing issues for similar bugs
- I have googled this bug already with no luck
- I have not done any of the above
(Optional) Error message
No Host DNS record found. Add the following to ...
What went wrong?
Started up Devilbox; vhost contao413.dvl.to was working.
A bit later contao413.dvl.to not reachable. Also *.dvl.to not reachable in browser.
This happened very often since about 1 week.
Expected behaviour
constantly reachable address
How can we reproduce the bug?
see above
Host Operating System
Host Platform (amd64, arm64, other)
(Linux only) Is SELinux enabled?
No, SELinux is disabled
Docker version
Docker Compose version
Devilbox version
Have you removed stopped containers before starting?
Have you pulled latest Docker images before starting?
Devilbox start command
docker compose up -d httpd php mysql
Config: .env file
see #975
Config: docker-compose.override.yml
see #975
Config: ./check-config.sh
see #975
Log: docker-compose logs
see #975
(Optional) Additional information
No response
Ernestopheles commented
dvl.to also not reachable in mobile network
Ernestopheles commented
I changed to the former suffix .loc, so not constantly watching the dvl.to
At the moment dvl.to is working fine