
RGB dataset (images from webcams monitoring the two Swiss lakes St. Moritz and Sihl)

Photi-LakeIce Dataset

This is a repository dedicated for the Photi-LakeIce dataset described in the papers:

Ice Monitoring in Swiss Lakes from Optical Satellites and Webcams using Machine Learning (Tom et.al., 2020)
Lake Ice Monitoring with Webcams and Crowd-​Sourced Images (Prabha et.al., 2020)

What this repo contains?

  1. Link to download the Photi-LakeIce dataset (876 MB, 4017 images) with (a) RGB webcam images, (b) pixel-wise ground truth annotations
  2. Link to download the Deep-U-Lab model (146 MB) pre-trained on Photi-LakeIce datset
  3. Details about the Photi-LakeIce dataset

Dataset details

Folder structure

├── dataset
   ├── lake
      ├── winter
          ├── camera
              ├── data
              ├── labels
├── readme.txt

Naming convention for each image in the 'Data' and 'Labels' folders

Lake_camera_year_monthdate_hour_minute.jpg (Lake Sihl images) example: Sihl_Cam2_2016_1221_10_07.jpg Lake_camera_year_monthdate_hour_minute.png (Lake StMoritz images) example: StMoritz_Cam1_2016_1221_10_07.png

Ground truth annotation (4 Class)

  • ice
  • snow
  • water
  • clutter

Two winters included

  • 2016-17
  • 2017-18

Lakes included

  • Sihl (47.1370° N, 8.7801° E) located in Canton Schwyz, Switzerland
  • St. Moritz (46.4942° N, 9.8449° E) located in Canton Graubuenden, Switzerland


  • 2 from lake St. Moritz (Camera 0, Camera 1)
  • 1 from lake Sihl (Camera 2)

Example images

Texture variability

Class imbalance

Qualitative results

Quantitative results

Timeline results

Precision-Recall curves


Kindly cite our papers, if you use this dataset in your work:

      author = {Manu Tom and Rajanie Prabha and Tianyu Wu and Emmanuel Baltsavias and Laura Leal-Taixe and Konrad Schindler},
      title = {Ice Monitoring in Swiss Lakes from Optical Satellites and Webcams Using Machine Learning},
      journal = {Remote Sens.},
      year = {2020},
      volume = {12},
      issue = {21},
      pages = {3555},

      author={Prabha, R. and Tom, M. and Rothermel, M. and Baltsavias, E. and Leal-Taixe, L. and Schindler, K.},
      title={Lake Ice Monitoring with Webcams and Crowd-Sourced Images},
      booktitle={ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci.},

Related links

  1. Multi-sensor lake ice monitoring with machine (deep) learning. Project github page.
  2. Lake ice monitoring with webcams and crowd-sourced images with Deep-U-Lab. Github repo (tensorflow code, pre-trained model).
  3. Lake ice detection from Sentinel-1 SAR with deep learning. Github repo (tensorflow code, pre-trained model). Paper
  4. Tom, M., Wu, T., Baltsavias, E., Schindler, K., 2021. Recent Ice Trends in Swiss Mountain Lakes: 20-year Analysis of MODIS Imagery. Paper
  5. Tom, M., Jiang, Y., Baltsavias, E., Schindler, K., 2021. Learning a Sensor-invariant Embedding of Satellite Data: A Case Study for Lake Ice Monitoring. Paper
  6. Tom, M., Suetterlin, M., Bouffard, D., Rothermel, M., Wunderle, S., Baltsavias, E., 2019. Integrated monitoring of ice in selected Swiss lakes. Final Project Report
  7. Tom, M., Baltsavias, E., Schindler, K., 2020. Integrated Lake Ice Monitoring and Generation of Sustainable, Reliable, Long Time-Series. Final Project Report