Change color of bottom bar to match navigation bars
czlucius opened this issue · 7 comments
czlucius commented
czlucius commented
Also change colorSecondary to something closer to primary (v2.0)
czlucius commented
A patch is ready locally
MohammadKaif1 commented
Can you Please assign this issue to me?
Please add the label of 'hacktoberfest'.
czlucius commented
Can you open a PR first?
czlucius commented
Currently the colors are quite finicky.
Can you make sure that the color of nav bar(no elevation) matches the bottom bar (has elevation)
MohammadKaif1 commented
Hey @czlucius Can you differentiate between Nav bar and Bottom bar.
Please give more details about this issue.
alibardide5124 commented
Hi, is this issue still open? May I take it?