
Bill Splitter

Primary LanguageJava


Team Members: Enioluwa Daniel Adebisi, Mukhtar Kussaiynbekov, Zach McGee, Samuel Zhang, Chunhao Zou


To use the deployed version, go to: https://bill-splitter-frontend-333603.uc.r.appspot.com

To run the backend of the project, follow these steps:

  1. install Maven
  2. run command mvn package
  3. run command export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS={path to src/main/resources/bill-splitter-331718-df5c7122b89f.json}
  4. run command mvn spring-boot:run

To run the frontend of the project, follow these steps:

  1. navigate to \front-end\project2
  2. install npm
  3. run command npm install
  4. run command npm run start

To run tests, follow these steps:

  1. navigate to \front-end\project2
  2. run command npm run test


  • \src\main\java contains the backend code
    • ..\com.group1.billsplitter contains the SpringBoot controllers and SQL database integration
    • ..\com.group1.billsplitter.entities contains the Java objects representing bills and related things
  • \front-end\project-2\src contains the frontend code
    • ..\pages and ..\components comprise the application dashboard