
Class variable never updated

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A variable map defined as:

private Map<T, MutableInt> map = new LinkedHashMap<T, MutableInt>();  

in the nested class KeyCountMap<T> in the class is never updated in the whole code as its value and count always remains 0.

In class it is used as:

protected HashMap<Integer, KeyCountMap<String>> attrValues = new HashMap<Integer, KeyCountMap<String>>();  

but never get updated as in the nested class KeyCountMap<T> in the class, an empty constructor as:

public KeyCountMap()  
{ }

is defined which avoids to assign map anything.

In class it is used as:
private KeyCountMap<Integer> njk = new KeyCountMap<Integer>();
where njk always remains 0 wherever it is called or used in the code and as a result in the output file PZ.txt:
PriorGroup.GetClusterID() returns the id and size is always 0 as the method GetNjk() always returns the value 0.

Please review this issue in the code.
