
Continually-updated reading list of LLM papers in Finance, Healthcare, and Law

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LLM+X: A Survey on LLMs for Finance, Healthcare, and Law

A collection of research papers on Large Language Models for Finance, Healthcare, and Law.

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.01769


Tasks and Datasets in Financial NLP

Sentiment Analysis (SA)

  • (Financial Phrase Bank) Good debt or bad debt: Detecting semantic orientations in economic texts JASIST 2014 [Paper]

  • (FiQA Task 1) Aspect-based financial sentiment analysis Open Challenge - WWW 2018 [Homepage]

  • (TweetFinSent) TweetFinSent: A Dataset of Stock Sentiments on Twitter FinNLP 2022 [Paper][Github]

  • (FinSent) Is ChatGPT a Financial Expert? Evaluating Language Models on Financial Natural Language Processing EMNLP 2023 [Paper]

  • (BloombergGPT sentiment tasks) BloombergGPT: A Large Language Model for Finance Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

Information Extraction (IE)

Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  • (FIN3) Domain Adaption of Named Entity Recognition to Support Credit Risk Assessment Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop 2015 [Paper]

  • (BloombergGPT NER tasks) BloombergGPT: A Large Language Model for Finance Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

Relation Extraction (RE)
  • (REFinD) REFinD: Relation Extraction Financial Dataset SIGIR 2023 [Paper]
Event Detection
  • (EDT) Trade the Event: Corporate Events Detection for News-Based Event-Driven Trading IJCNLP 2021 [Paper]

Question Answering (QA)

  • (FiQA Task 2) Opinion-based QA over financial data Open Challenge - WWW 2018 [Homepage]

  • (FinQA) FinQA: A Dataset of Numerical Reasoning over Financial Data EMNLP 2021 [Paper][Github]

  • (TAT-QA) TAT-QA: A Question Answering Benchmark on a Hybrid of Tabular and Textual Content in Finance ACL 2021 [Paper][Github]

  • (DocFinQA) DocFinQA: A Long-Context Financial Reasoning Dataset Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • (ConvFinQA) ConvFinQA: Exploring the Chain of Numerical Reasoning in Conversational Finance Question Answering EMNLP 2022 [Paper][Github]

  • (PACIFIC) PACIFIC: Towards Proactive Conversational Question Answering over Tabular and Textual Data in Finance EMNLP 2022 [Paper][Github]

  • (FinanceBench) FinanceBench: A New Benchmark for Financial Question Answering Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github]

  • (Tab-CQA) Tab-CQA: A Tabular Conversational Question Answering Dataset on Financial Reports ACL 2023 [Paper][Github]

Text-Enhanced Stock Movement Prediction (SMP)

  • (ACL-14) Using Structured Events to Predict Stock Price Movement: An Empirical Investigation EMNLP 2014 [Paper]

  • (ACl-18) Stock Movement Prediction from Tweets and Historical Prices ACL 2018 [Paper][Github]

  • (CIKM-18) Hybrid Deep Sequential Modeling for Social Text-Driven Stock Prediction CIKM 2018 [Paper][Github]

  • (BigData-22) Accurate stock movement prediction with self-supervised learning from sparse noisy tweets Big Data 2022 [Paper] [Github]

  • (Astock) Astock: A New Dataset and Automated Stock Trading based on Stock-specific News Analyzing Model Arxiv 2022 [Paper][Github]

  • (EDT) Trade the Event: Corporate Events Detection for News-Based Event-Driven Trading IJCNLP 2021 [Paper]

Other Financial NLP Tasks

Other Classification tasks
News headline classification
  • Impact of News on the Commodity Market: Dataset and Results Arxiv 2020 [Paper]
hawkish-dovish classification
  • Trillion Dollar Words: A New Financial Dataset, Task & Market Analysis ACL 2023 [Paper][Github]
Multiple classification tasks
  • Is ChatGPT a Financial Expert? Evaluating Language Models on Financial Natural Language Processing EMNLP 2023 [Paper]
Sentence boundary detection
  • Sentence Boundary Detection in PDF Noisy Text in the Financial Domain FinNLP 2019 [Homepage]
  • (BloombergGPT NER+NED tasks) BloombergGPT: A Large Language Model for Finance Arxiv 2023 [Paper]
  • (BizBench) BizBench: A Quantitative Reasoning Benchmark for Business and Finance Arxiv 2024 [Paper]
Investment opinion generation
  • Beyond Classification: Financial Reasoning in State-of-the-Art Language Models Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github]
  • (ECTSum) ECTSum: A New Benchmark Dataset For Bullet Point Summarization of Long Earnings Call Transcripts EMNLP 2022 [Paper][Github]

Financial NLP Tasks Under-Explored for LLMs

Financial fraud detection
  • Intelligent financial fraud detection: A comprehensive review Computers & Security 2016 [Paper]
Risk assessment and management
  • Machine learning and AI for risk management Disrupting Finance, 2018 [Paper]

  • A survey on deep learning for financial risk prediction Quantitative Finance and Economics 2021 [Paper]

  • Machine learning for financial risk management: a survey IEEE access 2020 [Paper]

Robo advisor
  • Artificial Intelligence for Conversational Robo-Advisor ASONAM 2018 [Paper]

  • Artificial intelligence in financial services: a qualitative research to discover robo-advisory services Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 2021 [Paper]

  • Research on Generative Artificial Intelligence for Virtual Financial Robo-Advisor Academic Journal of Science and Technology 2024 [Paper]

Compliance and regulations
  • The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Compliance Management AIAM 2019 [Paper]

  • Classifying sentential modality in legal language: a use case in financial regulations, acts and directives ICAIL 2017 [Paper]

Chatbot services
  • Ai-based chatbot service for financial industry Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal 2018 [Paper]

  • Toward a chatbot for financial sustainability Sustainability 2021 [Paper]

  • Text-based chatbot in financial sector: A systematic literature review. Data Science in Finance and Economics 2022 [Paper]

Financial LLMs

Pre-Training and Downstream Task Fine-Tuning PLMs.

  • (FinBERT-19) FinBERT: Financial Sentiment Analysis with Pre-trained Language Models Arxiv 2019 [Paper][Github][Model]

  • (FinBERT-20) Finbert: A pretrained language model for financial communications Arxiv 2020 [Paper][Github][Model]

  • (FinBERT-21) Finbert: A pre-trained financial language representation model for financial text mining IJCAI 2020 [Paper]

  • (Mengzi-BERTbase-fin) Mengzi: Towards lightweight yet ingenious pre-trained models for chinese Arxiv 2021 [Paper][Github][Model]

  • (FLANG) When FLUE Meets FLANG: Benchmarks and Large Pretrained Language Model for Financial Domain EMNLP 2022 [Paper][Github][Model]

  • (BBT-Fin) BBT-Fin: Comprehensive Construction of Chinese Financial Domain Pre-trained Language Model, Corpus and Benchmark Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github][Model]

Pre-training LLMs

  • (BloombergGPT) BloombergGPT: A Large Language Model for Finance Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

Instruction Fine-Tuning LLMs.

  • (FinMA) PIXIU: A Large Language Model, Instruction Data and Evaluation Benchmark for Finance Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github][Model]

  • (Instruct-FinGPT) Instruct-FinGPT: Financial Sentiment Analysis by Instruction Tuning of General-Purpose Large Language Models IJCAI 2023 [Paper][Github]

  • (CFGPT) CFGPT: Chinese Financial Assistant with Large Language Model Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github][Model]

  • (InvestLM) InvestLM: A Large Language Model for Investment using Financial Domain Instruction Tuning Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github][Model]

  • (DISC-FinLLM) DISC-FinLLM: A Chinese Financial Large Language Model based on Multiple Experts Fine-tuning Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github][Model]

  • (FinGPT) FinGPT: Instruction Tuning Benchmark for Open-Source Large Language Models in Financial Datasets Workshop on Instruction Tuning and Instruction Following at NeurIPS 2023 [Paper][Github]

  • (FinGPT) FinGPT: Democratizing Internet-scale Data for Financial Large Language Models Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github]

  • (FinMA-ES) Dólares or Dollars? Unraveling the Bilingual Prowess of Financial LLMs Between Spanish and English Arxiv 2024 [Paper][Github]

  • (FinTral) FinTral: A Family of GPT-4 Level Multimodal Financial Large Language Models Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

Evaluation and Analysis

  • Are ChatGPT and GPT-4 General-Purpose Solvers for Financial Text Analytics? A Study on Several Typical Tasks EMNLP 2023 [Paper]

  • (PIXIU) PIXIU: A Large Language Model, Instruction Data and Evaluation Benchmark for Finance Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github][Model]

New Evaluation Frameworks and Tasks

  • (FinLMEval) Is ChatGPT a Financial Expert? Evaluating Language Models on Financial Natural Language Processing EMNLP 2023 [Paper]

  • (Finben) FinBen: A Holistic Financial Benchmark for Large Language Models Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • (FBI) Are LLMs Rational Investors? A Study on Detecting and Reducing the Financial Bias in LLMs Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • Can ChatGPT Forecast Stock Price Movements? Return Predictability and Large Language Models Arxiv 2023 [Paper]

  • Can GPT models be Financial Analysts? An Evaluation of ChatGPT and GPT-4 on mock CFA Exams Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github]

LLM-based Methodologies for Financial Tasks and Challenges

Confidentiality and Scarcity of High-Quality Data

  • Generating synthetic data in finance: opportunities, challenges and pitfalls ICAIF 2020 [Paper]

  • Enhancing Financial Sentiment Analysis via Retrieval Augmented Large Language Models ICAIF 2023 [Paper][Github]

  • Large Language Models as Financial Data Annotators: A Study on Effectiveness and Efficiency LREC-COLING 2024 [Paper]

  • No Language is an Island: Unifying Chinese and English in Financial Large Language Models, Instruction Data, and Benchmarks Arxiv 2024 [Paper][Github]

Quantitative Reasoning

  • (ENCORE) Enhancing Numerical Reasoning with the Guidance of Reliable Reasoning Processes Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • (PoT) Program of thoughts prompting: Disentangling computation from reasoning for numerical reasoning tasks TLMR 2023 [Paper][Github]

  • (BRIDGE) Exploring Equation as a Better Intermediate Meaning Representation for Numerical Reasoning of Large Language Models AAAI 2024 [Paper][Github]

  • (TAT-LLM) TAT-LLM: A Specialized Language Model for Discrete Reasoning over Tabular and Textual Data Arxiv 2024 [Paper][Github][Model]

  • Evaluating LLMs' Mathematical Reasoning in Financial Document Question Answering Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

Multimodal Understanding

  • (UReader) UReader: Universal OCR-free Visually-situated Language Understanding with Multimodal Large Language Model EMNLP 2023 [Paper][Github]

  • (DocLLM) DocLLM: A layout-aware generative language model for multimodal document understanding Arxiv 2023 [Paper][Github]

  • (AFIE) Enabling and Analyzing How to Efficiently Extract Information from Hybrid Long Documents with LLMs Arxiv 2024 [Paper]

  • (MANAGER) Modal-adaptive Knowledge-enhanced Graph-based Financial Prediction from Monetary Policy Conference Calls with LLM FinNLP 2024 [Paper][Github]


LLMs for Healthcare

  • BioBERT: a pre-trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining [Paper]

  • Clinical BERT: Publicly Available Clinical BERT Embeddings [Paper]

  • RadBERT: Adapting Transformer-based Language Models to Radiology [Paper]

  • BioMed RoBERTa: Don't Stop Pretraining: Adapt Language Models to Domains and Tasks [Paper]

  • MedAlpaca -- An Open-Source Collection of Medical Conversational AI Models and Training Data [Paper]

  • Me LLaMA: Foundation Large Language Models for Medical Applications [Paper]

  • LLaVA-Med: Training a Large Language-and-Vision Assistant for Biomedicine in One Day [Paper]

  • BioInstruct: instruction tuning of large language models for biomedical natural language processing [Paper]

  • Biomedgpt: Open multimodal generative pre-trained transformer for biomedicine [Paper]

  • MEDITRON-70B: Scaling Medical Pretraining for Large Language Models [Paper]

  • PMC-LLaMA: toward building open-source language models for medicine [Paper]

  • BioMistral: A Collection of Open-Source Pretrained Large Language Models for Medical Domains [Paper]

  • AlpaCare:Instruction-tuned Large Language Models for Medical Application [Paper]

  • Clinical Camel: An Open Expert-Level Medical Language Model with Dialogue-Based Knowledge Encoding [Paper]


  • MedEval: A Multi-Level, Multi-Task, and Multi-Domain Medical Benchmark for Language Model Evaluation [Paper]

  • Robust and Interpretable Medical Image Classifiers via Concept Bottleneck Models [Paper]

  • The imperative for regulatory oversight of large language models (or generative AI) in healthcare [Paper]


LLMs for Law

  • LEGAL-BERT: The muppets straight out of law school [Paper]

  • Lawformer: A pre-trained language model for chinese legal long documents [Paper]

  • Juru: Legal Brazilian Large Language Model from Reputable Sources [Paper]

  • Sabiá-2: A New Generation of Portuguese Large Language Models [Paper]

  • Baichuan 2: Open large-scale language models [Paper]

  • LawGPT: A Chinese Legal Knowledge-Enhanced Large Language Model [Paper]

  • Saullm-7b: A pioneering large language model for law [Paper]

  • Chatlaw: A Multi-Agent Collaborative Legal Assistant with Knowledge Graph Enhanced Mixture-of-Experts Large Language Model [Paper]

  • Lawyer LLaMA: Enhancing LLMs with Legal Knowledge [Paper]


  • LawBench: Benchmarking Legal Knowledge of Large Language Models [Paper]

  • LEGALBENCH: A Collaboratively Built Benchmark for Measuring Legal Reasoning in Large Language Models [Paper]

  • LAiW: A Chinese Legal Large Language Models Benchmark [Paper]


Ethics in LLM + Finance

  • Deficiency of Large Language Models in Finance: An Empirical Examination of Hallucination ICBINB 2023 [Paper]

  • Hallucination-minimized Data-to-answer Framework for Financial Decision-makers BigData 2023 [Paper]

  • Beavertails: Towards Improved Safety Alignment of LLM via a Human-preference Dataset NeurIPS 2024 [Paper]

Ethics in LLM + Healthcare

  • Large Language Models in Medicine Nature medicine 2023 [Paper]

  • Ethics of Large Language Models in Medicine and Medical Research The Lancet Digital Health 2023 [Paper]

  • AI and Ethics: A Systematic Review of the Ethical Considerations of Large Language Model Use in Surgery Research Healthcare 2024 [Paper]

  • The Ethics of ChatGPT in Medicine and Healthcare: A Systematic Review on Large Language Models (LLMs) npj Digital Medicine [Paper]

  • Embracing Large Language Models for Medical Applications: Opportunities and Challenges Cureus 2023 [Paper]

  • The Challenges for Regulating Medical Use of ChatGPT and Other Large Language Models JAMA 2023 [Paper]

  • Leveraging Generative AI and Large Language Models: a Comprehensive Roadmap for Healthcare Integration Healthcare 2023 [Paper]

  • Challenges and Barriers of Using Large Language Models (LLM) such as ChatGPT for Diagnostic Medicine with a Focus on Digital Pathology–a Recent Scoping Review Diagnostic pathology 2024 [Paper]

  • Ethical Dilemmas, Mental Health, Artificial Intelligence, and LLM-based Chatbots IWBBIO 2023 [Paper]

Ethics in LLM + Law

  • Large Legal Fictions: Profiling Legal Hallucinations in Large Language Models Journal of Legal Analysis 2024 [Paper]

  • I Am Not a Lawyer, But...: Engaging Legal Experts towards Responsible LLM Policies for Legal Advice ACM FAccT 2024 [Paper]

  • Evaluation Ethics of LLMs in Legal Domain ArXiv preprint 2024 [Paper]