
html5 compilation error

lenis0012 opened this issue · 5 comments

First of all, i wanted to thank you for actively maintaining the library.
you're a hero <3

Secondly, I can't compile my game for html5, it gives a kiwi error =(

Are you using an older/newer version of LibGDX than Kiwi is compiled against? OrderedMap constructor changed in LibGDX 1.9.4 (I think). If you're using LibGDX 1.9.3 (or older), use gdx-kiwi If you're using the latest LibGDX, switch to the beta release - gdx-kiwi I plan on releasing final soon.

It does compile with kiwi 1.8
my bad, i should have looked for beta releases first.
i suppose you can close the issue.

thank you =)

@czyzby I did get another error with autumn on android packaging tho

seems to be resolved when adding
packagingOptions {
exclude 'META-INF/robovm/ios/robovm.xml'

to android/build.gradle

Yes, this is a common issue. Android does not handle duplicate files very well, but in order to enable RoboVM reflection of some classes, robovm.xml is required in pretty much every library. That's why our gdx-setup includes this conguration in the Android Gradle file.