
Application crash on VisLml with Turkish locale

hedgecrab opened this issue · 5 comments

Issue details

Application crashes completely if your Locale.getDefault() is Locale.forLanguageTag("tr");

Reproduction steps/code

Version of LibGDX and/or relevant dependencies

Libgdx 1.9.4 +


com.github.czyzby.lml.util.LmlParsingException: Error occurred during parsing near line 31 of the original file: "main-menu.lml".
REASON: Unable to parser alignment from raw data: right; no alignment value matching: right
	Due implementation of the parser, the real problematic line might SLIGHTLY vary from the given line number(s), but exception message should be clear enough to find the actual error.
	Currently parsed template part:
28 |VALID|             </vistable>
29 |VALID|         </vistable>
30 |VALID| 
31 |ERROR|         <vistable width="0.50%" height="1.00%" tablealign="right">
32 |     |             <myvistable id="main-coins-cont" onclick="main-coins-cont-click" visible="false" width="400" height="60" pad="10" tablealign="right">
33 |     |                 <visimage size="60" style="image-coin"/>
34 |     | 

Please select the affected platforms

  • [*] Android
  • [*] iOS (robovm)
  • [*] iOS (MOE)
  • [?] HTML/GWT
  • [?] Windows
  • [?] Linux
  • [*] MacOS

Interesting bug, I'll look into all toLowerCase calls before releasing LML for 1.9.6. Thanks.

@hedgecrab Can you check if the issue persists in version?

@czyzby sure, I will try it tomorrow, thank you!

@czyzby Seems like I'm not receiving any crashes after migration to gdx 1.9.6 + vislml, thank you so much

Thanks for checking it out.