
Kiwi: Issue with debugging triples on intellij

Jan-V2 opened this issue · 1 comments

So I've been using the kiwi library when a came across a problem.

This triple

            Triple test = new Triple(1,2,3);

Looks like this in the debugger

Pairs seem to work just fine though, even though they're also displayed in a weird way.
However when i try to access the third variable, it works just fine.
But not being able to debug them is a problem.
Is there any way to fix this on my end, like something i can change in my settings.
I'm using intellij community edition 2017.1.5, with kiwi1.
I mean, I'm loving the library, it would be a shame if i couldn't use the triples because of this.

This is because all tuples storing at least 2 values implement the Map.Entry interface for extra convenience, which seems to be a common trend in Java utility libraries. IntelliJ seems to somehow override the Triple API with Map.Entry, showing you key/value instead of first/second/third. As far as the implementation goes, Triple does store 3 values. I'm sorry, but I'm just not sure how could I fix that without removing the Map.Entry interface implementation and breaking the API.