
Apply conventions

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The readme specifies some conventions that still need to be applied.



With your color scheme you might have concentrated on the thread diagrams. But we also have little blue information icons, the theme of the help pages is blue, #165 has a problem and I need more for the Belgian color code

val hasPins = stitch.count('p' == _) > 0
val crossCount = stitch.count('c' == _)
val regex(openTwists, coreStitch, closeTwists) = stitch
val twisted = bothTwisted(openTwists) || bothTwisted(closeTwists)
(hasPins, crossCount, coreStitch, twisted) match {
case (false, 1, _, true) => "green"
case (false, 2, "cttc", _) => "turquoise"
case (false, 2, "ctc", true) => "red"
case (false, 2, "ctc", false) => "purple"
case (false, 2, core, _) if !core.matches("c(|.|tt)c") => "brown"
case (false, n, core, _) if n > 2 && core.matches("c(tc)+") => "blue"
case (false, n, core, _) if n > 3 && core.matches("(crr)?(cllcrr)+(cll)?c") => "yellow"

In the past, I have used ColorBrewer to pick a palette:


The tool supports a variety of data set types. We want a "qualitative" palette which just means that each value gets a different colour. You can also specify the background colour and other useful properties such as "printer friendly". The colours are chosen to be easily distinguishable as well as have some aesthetic appeal.

Applied a brighter red as specified by 4019444