Old version of tokio
smartfood2013 opened this issue · 2 comments
Can you please update the version of tokio to 1.0?
It breaks when I use tokio 1.0
async fn create_paper_client() -> Result<()> {
let client = broker_sandbox_client()?;
let f = client.issue::<account::Get>(());
let info = f.await?;
assert_eq!(info.id, account::Id(Uuid::new_v4()));
not currently running on the Tokio runtime.
thread 'broker::alpaca::tests::create_paper_client' panicked at 'not currently running on the Tokio runtime.', /Users/mohammedyounusraza/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/tokio-0.2.24/src/runtime/handle.rs:118:28
stack backtrace:
Yes, I am working on that, but right now it's blocked by one of the dependencies not being able to use Tokio 1.0: snapview/tokio-tungstenite#142
But I see that work just got approved, so once they cut a new release this effort can move forward. There may be other yet-to-be-discovered road blocks, though.
Done in 0.17.0