
Genbank file not being recognised?

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Hi, apologies for this issue as it is likely it is something I am doing wrong! I am having a problem with the genbank file and the software not liking it! Here is my command:
snppar -s core_snps_for_SNPpar.csv -t FINAL_snippy_consensus_mapped_aln.final_tree.tre -g test_Se4047_genbank_format.gbk

The error I get is as follows:
Reading SNP table from core_snps_for_SNPpar.csv

Finished reading 1315 SNPs in total
...keeping 1315 variable SNPs and ignoring 0 SNPs
that are non-variable among the 597 isolates

Reading Genbank file from test_Se4047_genbank_format.gbk
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/hjw58/.local/bin/snppar", line 8, in
File "/home/hjw58/.local/bin/snppar.py", line 2625, in main
record, sequence, geneannot = readGenbank(arguments.genbank, log)
File "/home/hjw58/.local/bin/snppar.py", line 1340, in readGenbank
record = SeqIO.read(handle, "genbank")
File "/home/hjw58/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Bio/SeqIO/init.py", line 748, in read
raise ValueError("No records found in handle")
ValueError: No records found in handle
Changed directory to /rds/user/hjw58/hpc-work/treemer.

Here is a sample of the Genbank file (I thought it looked ok?)
CDS 1..1353
/inference="ab initio prediction:Prodigal:2.60,similar to
AA sequence:RefSeq:YP_008628649.1,similar to AA
motif:CLUSTERS:PRK00149,protein motif:Cdd:COG1484,protein
motif:TIGRFAMs:TIGR00362,protein motif:Pfam:PF00308.12"
/product="chromosomal replication initiation
protein,Chromosomal replication initiator protein
DnaA,chromosomal replication initiation protein,DNA
replication protein,chromosomal replication initiator
protein DnaA,Bacterial dnaA protein"

I am wondering if it is not quite in the right format? Maybe I have set it up wrong. Any help would be much appreciated!