
Parser errors when `num_workers` parameter is set

leonlan opened this issue · 1 comments


Logs from solver runs in which the num_workers parameter is set cannot be parsed.

Example code
# Example from https://d-krupke.github.io/cpsat-primer/04_modelling.html

from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

# Weighted, directed graph as instance
# (source, destination) -> cost
dgraph = {
    (0, 1): 13,
    (1, 0): 17,
    (1, 2): 16,
    (2, 1): 19,
    (0, 2): 22,
    (2, 0): 14,
    (3, 0): 15,
    (3, 1): 28,
    (3, 2): 25,
    (0, 3): 24,
    (1, 3): 11,
    (2, 3): 27,
model = cp_model.CpModel()
# Variables: Binary decision variables for the edges
edge_vars = {(u, v): model.NewBoolVar(f"e_{u}_{v}") for (u, v) in dgraph.keys()}
# Constraints: Add Circuit constraint
# We need to tell CP-SAT which variable corresponds to which edge.
# This is done by passing a list of tuples (u,v,var) to AddCircuit.
circuit = [
    (u, v, var) for (u, v), var in edge_vars.items()  # (source, destination, variable)

# Objective: minimize the total cost of edges
obj = sum(dgraph[(u, v)] * x for (u, v), x in edge_vars.items())

# Solve
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
solver.parameters.num_workers = 2
# solver.parameters.num_search_workers = 1
solver.parameters.log_search_progress = True
solver.log_callback = print  # (str)->None

status = solver.Solve(model)
assert status in (cp_model.OPTIMAL, cp_model.FEASIBLE)
tour = [(u, v) for (u, v), x in edge_vars.items() if solver.Value(x)]
print("Tour:", tour)
Example log:
Starting CP-SAT solver v9.10.4067
Parameters: log_search_progress: true num_workers: 2

Initial optimization model '': (model_fingerprint: 0xc8df407b243296f5)
#Variables: 12 (#bools: 12 in objective)
  - 12 Booleans in [0,1]
#kCircuit: 1

Starting presolve at 0.00s
  3.77e-05s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  6.72e-04s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=2 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
  6.19e-06s  0.00e+00d  [ExtractEncodingFromLinear] 
  3.11e-04s  1.42e-05d  [Probe] #probed=24 #new_binary_clauses=6 
  8.63e-06s  0.00e+00d  [MaxClique] 
  2.76e-05s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  5.42e-04s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=1 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
  4.71e-06s  0.00e+00d  [ProcessAtMostOneAndLinear] 
  7.22e-05s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDuplicateConstraints] 
  2.00e-06s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominatedLinearConstraints] 
  1.37e-06s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDifferentVariables] 
  2.23e-06s  0.00e+00d  [ProcessSetPPC] 
  2.36e-06s  0.00e+00d  [FindAlmostIdenticalLinearConstraints] 
  4.16e-06s  0.00e+00d  [FindBigAtMostOneAndLinearOverlap] 
  2.70e-06s  1.20e-07d  [FindBigVerticalLinearOverlap] 
  1.62e-06s  0.00e+00d  [FindBigHorizontalLinearOverlap] 
  2.15e-06s  0.00e+00d  [MergeClauses] 
  2.50e-05s  0.00e+00d  [DetectDominanceRelations] 
  9.11e-05s  0.00e+00d  [PresolveToFixPoint] #num_loops=1 #num_dual_strengthening=1 
  2.78e-05s  0.00e+00d  [ExpandObjective] 

Presolve summary:
  - 0 affine relations were detected.
  - rule 'TODO dual: only one blocking constraint?' was applied 36 times.
  - rule 'presolve: 0 unused variables removed.' was applied 1 time.
  - rule 'presolve: iteration' was applied 1 time.

Presolved optimization model '': (model_fingerprint: 0x6ab67e65d25f3b4d)
#Variables: 12 (#bools: 12 in objective)
  - 12 Booleans in [0,1]
#kCircuit: 1

Preloading model.
#Bound   0.01s best:inf   next:[0,231]    initial_domain
#Model   0.01s var:12/12 constraints:1/1

Starting search at 0.01s with 2 workers.
1 full problem subsolver: [default_lp]
11 incomplete subsolvers: [feasibility_pump, graph_arc_lns, graph_cst_lns, graph_dec_lns, graph_var_lns, rins/rens, rnd_cst_lns, rnd_var_lns, routing_path_lns, routing_random_lns, violation_ls]
3 helper subsolvers: [neighborhood_helper, synchronization_agent, update_gap_integral]
#Bound   0.02s best:inf   next:[63,231]   default_lp
#1       0.02s best:63    next:[]         default_lp (fixed_bools=1/13)
#Done    0.02s default_lp

Task timing                     n [     min,      max]      avg      dev     time         n [     min,      max]      avg      dev    dtime
          'default_lp':         1 [  7.03ms,   7.03ms]   7.03ms   0.00ns   7.03ms         1 [  2.97us,   2.97us]   2.97us   0.00ns   2.97us
    'feasibility_pump':         2 [294.74us, 323.73us] 309.23us  14.49us 618.46us         1 [  7.05us,   7.05us]   7.05us   0.00ns   7.05us
       'graph_arc_lns':         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns
       'graph_cst_lns':         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns
       'graph_dec_lns':         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns
       'graph_var_lns':         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns
           'rins/rens':         1 [331.75us, 331.75us] 331.75us   0.00ns 331.75us         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns
         'rnd_cst_lns':         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns
         'rnd_var_lns':         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns
    'routing_path_lns':         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns
  'routing_random_lns':         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns
        'violation_ls':         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns         0 [  0.00ns,   0.00ns]   0.00ns   0.00ns   0.00ns

Search stats     Bools  Conflicts  Branches  Restarts  BoolPropag  IntegerPropag
  'default_lp':     13          0        26        25          71             98

SAT stats        ClassicMinim  LitRemoved  LitLearned  LitForgotten  Subsumed  MClauses  MDecisions  MLitTrue  MSubsumed  MLitRemoved  MReused
  'default_lp':             0           0           0             0         0         0           0         0          0            0        0

Lp stats         Component  Iterations  AddedCuts  OPTIMAL  DUAL_F.  DUAL_U.
  'default_lp':          1           7          0        5        0        0

Lp dimension                                                Final dimension of first component
  'default_lp':  8 rows, 12 columns, 24 entries with magnitude in [1.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00]

Lp debug         CutPropag  CutEqPropag  Adjust  Overflow  Bad  BadScaling
  'default_lp':          0            0       4         0    0           0

Lp pool          Constraints  Updates  Simplif  Merged  Shortened  Split  Strenghtened  Cuts/Call
  'default_lp':            8        0        0       8          0      0             0        0/0

LNS stats                Improv/Calls  Closed  Difficulty  TimeLimit
       'graph_arc_lns':           0/0      0%        0.50       0.10
       'graph_cst_lns':           0/0      0%        0.50       0.10
       'graph_dec_lns':           0/0      0%        0.50       0.10
       'graph_var_lns':           0/0      0%        0.50       0.10
           'rins/rens':           0/0      0%        0.50       0.10
         'rnd_cst_lns':           0/0      0%        0.50       0.10
         'rnd_var_lns':           0/0      0%        0.50       0.10
    'routing_path_lns':           0/0      0%        0.50       0.10
  'routing_random_lns':           0/0      0%        0.50       0.10

LS stats           Batches  Restarts  LinMoves  GenMoves  CompoundMoves  WeightUpdates
  'violation_ls':        0         0         0         0              0              0

Solutions (1)    Num   Rank
  'default_lp':    1  [1,1]

Objective bounds     Num
      'default_lp':    1
  'initial_domain':    1

Solution repositories    Added  Queried  Ignored  Synchro
  'feasible solutions':      1        0        0        1
        'lp solutions':      0        0        0        0
                'pump':      1        0

CpSolverResponse summary:
status: OPTIMAL
objective: 63
best_bound: 63
integers: 13
booleans: 13
conflicts: 0
branches: 26
propagations: 71
integer_propagations: 98
restarts: 25
lp_iterations: 7
walltime: 0.0252102
usertime: 0.0252104
deterministic_time: 2.4303e-05
gap_integral: 5.13657e-05
solution_fingerprint: 0xabc7fcb3d5a11d39

Tour: [(0, 1), (2, 0), (3, 2), (1, 3)]

Submitting this log file to CP-SAT-Log-Analyzer's streamlit interface gives the following error:

File "/home/adminuser/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/streamlit/runtime/scriptrunner/script_runner.py", line 600, in _run_script
    exec(code, module.__dict__)
File "/mount/src/cp-sat-log-analyzer/app.py", line 34, in <module>
File "/mount/src/cp-sat-log-analyzer/_app/overview.py", line 44, in show_overview
File "/mount/src/cp-sat-log-analyzer/cpsat_log_parser/blocks/solver.py", line 59, in get_number_of_workers
    raise ValueError("No number of workers found")


CP-SAT-Log-Analyzer checks for two things:

def get_number_of_workers(self) -> int:
# the line looks like this: "Setting number of workers to 24"
for line in self.lines:
if line.startswith("Setting number of workers to"):
return int(line.strip().split(" ")[-1])
# If `num_search_workers` is set, the number of workers is not shown in the log.
if "num_search_workers" in self.get_parameters():
return int(self.get_parameters()["num_search_workers"])
raise ValueError("No number of workers found")

Turns out, I'm setting num_workers parameter instead of num_search_workers.

The parameter file from Google OR-Tools says that num_search_workers is deprecated in favor of num_workers:


Proposed solution

Since num_search_workers is still supported as fallback whenever num_workers is not set, I propose adding another if statement like this:

def get_number_of_workers(self) -> int:
    # the line looks like this: "Setting number of workers to 24"
    for line in self.lines:
        if line.startswith("Setting number of workers to"):
            return int(line.strip().split(" ")[-1])

    # If `num_workers` is set, the number of workers is not shown in the log.
    if "num_workers" in self.get_parameters():
        return int(self.get_parameters()["num_workers"])

    # `num_search_workers` is deprecated in favor `num_workers`, but if the
    # latter is not set, `num_search_workers` is still used.
    if "num_search_workers" in self.get_parameters():
        return int(self.get_parameters()["num_search_workers"])

    raise ValueError("No number of workers found")

Hey Leon,

Thanks for notifying me about this problem and proposing a solution. Your proposed solution is perfect, I copied it and the application should soon update itself automatically.
