

Closed this issue · 12 comments

it will not let me play diablo

App version:
DiabloWeb 1.0.39 (Shareware)

Error message:

DataCloneError: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope': ArrayBuffer is not detachable and could not be cloned.
    at postMessage (api/game.worker.js:280:11)
    at websocket_send (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:1644:39)
    at __ZN14websocket_impl4sendERK6packet (wasm://wasm/00545342:wasm-function[1568]:0xe2df6)
    at dynCall_vii (wasm://wasm/00545342:wasm-function[2086]:0xfe936)
    at apply (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:2698:0)
    at dynCall_vii (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:2265:0)
    at __ZN3net16websocket_clientC2Ev (wasm://wasm/00545342:wasm-function[1600]:0xe4bb0)
    at dynCall_vi (wasm://wasm/00545342:wasm-function[2085]:0xfe922)
    at apply (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:2694:0)
    at dynCall_vi (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:2254:0)

User agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14526.57.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.64 Safari/537.36

Save file:
[Please attach the save file, if applicable. The error box should have a link to download the current save you were playing; alternatively, you can open dev console on the game page (F12) and type in DownloadSaves()]

Don't use that site, they put ads on it and host a broken version. They did not make this and are now allowed to do this.

Instead use the official site: https://d07riv.github.io/diabloweb/

Duplicate: #172

hey this works well

can you send me an MPQ file to this game

No, you have to buy it from Blizzard or GOG.

Mk thank you

can you send me a link to the place to buy it

For a native Linux client and QoL checkout https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionX#readme

do you know a code to get it for free I don't know how to link any money to my account

I cant help you with getting the game, talk to GOG about your options

thank you for telling me. mortal kombat ultimate doesn't work properly whenever Im about to win it crashes on me so can you send me a link to a nonbroken version of it please. also mortal kombat 3 ultimate works fine .

are the games on Playclassicgames.com pirated.