
Diablo online

Closed this issue · 1 comments

MM2NL commented

[Please describe what you were doing before the error occurred]

App version:
DiabloWeb 1.0.39 (Shareware)

Error message:

DataCloneError: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope': ArrayBuffer is not detachable and could not be cloned.
    at postMessage (api/game.worker.js:280:11)
    at websocket_send (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:1644:39)
    at __ZN14websocket_impl4sendERK6packet (wasm://wasm/00545342:wasm-function[1568]:0xe2df6)
    at dynCall_vii (wasm://wasm/00545342:wasm-function[2086]:0xfe936)
    at apply (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:2698:0)
    at dynCall_vii (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:2265:0)
    at __ZN3net16websocket_clientC2Ev (wasm://wasm/00545342:wasm-function[1600]:0xe4bb0)
    at dynCall_vi (wasm://wasm/00545342:wasm-function[2085]:0xfe922)
    at apply (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:2694:0)
    at dynCall_vi (api/DiabloSpawn.jscc:2254:0)

User agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.41 Safari/537.36

Save file:
[Please attach the save file, if applicable. The error box should have a link to download the current save you were playing; alternatively, you can open dev console on the game page (F12) and type in DownloadSaves()]

Use the official site, it works: https://d07riv.github.io/diabloweb/

Duplicate: #172