
Feature request: Account

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It would be good if you can log in and

  • manage my board - create (public/private), edit, delete, archive, upload board logo
  • create/invite team
  • see previous participated retro boards
d0x2f commented

I'm making a decision not to support accounts.
I think it's too complicated a feature with little to no benefit.
To address the things listed in your description:

  • create private boards - all boards are essentially private with the hash in the url effectively being a password to entry.
  • edit/delete boards - the board owner can edit and delete all aspects of the board.
  • archive board - I think the ability to disable new cards and voting is tantamount to archival.
  • create/invite team - Invite emails would be a welcome feature not reliant on having an account.
  • previous boards - A list of previously visited boards is available on the splash page.