
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Instruction (Short version)

$ mvn clean compile assembly:single
$ hadoop jar target/inverted-index-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar cc.nlplab.BuildInvertedIndex  /opt/HW1/input1 inverted-index-output
$ hadoop jar target/inverted-index-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar cc.nlplab.Query inverted-index-output /opt/HW1/input1 "book OR sport store -went twenty"

Instruction (Long version)

Install Maven

The project should be built with Maven. If the system haven't install Maven. Install it with the following command in Debian/Ubuntu distros.

$ sudo apt-get install maven2

Build the jar file

After Maven have been installed. Project can be built with following command.

$ mvn clean compile assembly:single

The jar file should be generated in the target/ folder.

$ ls target/
archive-tmp  classes  generated-sources  inverted-index-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar  maven-status

Generate inverted index

Use BuildInvertedIndex class for generating inverted index files. The command line syntax of the class as shown in the following.

$ hadoop jar target/inverted-index-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar cc.nlplab.BuildInvertedIndex -help
usage: BuildInvertedIndex [OPTION]... <INPUTPATH> <OUTPUTPATH>
Process text files in INPUTPATH and build inverted index to OUTPUTPATH.

 -help   this help message.
 -text   output in text format(only for checking)

By default, BuildInvertedIndex class would generate inverted index in SequenceFile format. If you want text format, add -text option. The text format output is only for human checking, can't be query with the Query class.

To generate the inverted index files of the documents in /opt/HW1/input1 to inverted-index-output folder.

$ hadoop jar target/inverted-index-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar cc.nlplab.BuildInvertedIndex  /opt/HW1/input1 inverted-index-output

Query the inverted index

After generated inverted index files to inverted-index-output folder, we can use Query class for querying the inverted index.

The command line syntax of Query class:

$ hadoop jar target/inverted-index-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar cc.nlplab.Query -help
Search words of documents in <doc_path> based on query and calculated

 -help   this help message.
  • The INVERTED_INDEX_PATH is the output of BuildInvertedIndex class.
  • The DOC_PATH is the input of BuildInvertedIndex class.
  • The QUERY is following basic Google query syntax.
    • term1 term2 means AND
    • term1 OR term2 means OR
    • -term1 means no term1

To query the inverted index files in inverted-index-output built from documents in /opt/HW1/input1.

$ hadoop jar target/inverted-index-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar cc.nlplab.Query inverted-index-outpu /opt/HW1/input1 "book OR sport store -went twenty"
titusandronicus                                      2.69564
     32879: s have,     And to our sport.       [To TAMORA]
     36947: intercepted in your sport,          Great reason
     5878: f mine hast thou in store,   That thou wi
     5197: Romans, of five and twenty valiant sons,
loveslabourslost                                     2.55864
     4078: ully to pore upon a book     To seek the li
coriolanus                                           2.25117
     89214: ll'd        In Jove's own book, like an unnatu

The output is in the following format. Top 10 high score documents, all matched terms of each documents, first five offsets of each term and words around the offset in the document.

<document name>                                      <score>
     <offset>: <words in the documents>
     <offset>: <words in the documents>



1. Mapper

Split terms in line and generate one record for each term. The filename in key makes sure filenames the reducer recieved is sorted.

Input: offset => line

238 => aaa bbb aaa
445 => bbb aaa bbb

Output: term, filename => filename, 1, [offset + offset_in_line]

aaa, file1 => file1, 1, [238]
bbb, file1 => file1, 1, [242]
aaa, file1 => file1, 1, [246]
bbb, file2 => file2, 1, [445]
aaa, file2 => file2, 1, [449]
bbb, file2 => file2, 1, [453]

2. Combiner

Combine all record with the same term and filename. In this step, the term_frequency is summerized and offsets is merged into a list.

Input: term, filename => [(filename, 1, [offset + offset_in_line]), ...]

aaa, file1 => [ file1, 1, [238],
                file1, 1, [246] ]
aaa, file2 => [ file2, 1, [449] ]
bbb, file1 => [ file1, 1, [242] ]
bbb, file2 => [ file2, 1, [445],
                file2, 1, [453] ]

Output: term, filename => filename, term_frequnecy, [offset, ...]

aaa, file1 => file1, 2, [238, 246]
aaa, file2 => file2, 1, [449]
bbb, file1 => file1, 1, [242]
bbb, file2 => file2, 2, [445, 453]

3. Partitioner

If the number of reducers is more than one, record with the same term might be sent to different reducer. The partitioner makes sure all record with the same term would be sent to the same reducer.

Input: term, filename => filename, term_frequnecy, [offset, ...]

aaa, file1 => file1, 2, [238, 246]
aaa, file2 => file2, 1, [449]
bbb, file1 => file1, 1, [242]
bbb, file2 => file2, 2, [445, 453]



4. GroupComparator

Because the key is composed of both term and filename, records would be sorted by both term and filename. But in the reducer, records should be grouped by only term for calculating document frequencies. This group comparator ignore filename and compares only terms that makes sure records would be grouped by term only.

Input: (term, filename), (term, filename)

(aaa, file1), (aaa, file1)
(aaa, file1), (bbb, file2)
(bbb, file1), (bbb, file2)



5. Reducer

The reducer merged values into a list and count the number of values.

Input: term, filename => [(filename, term_frequnecy, [offset, ...]), ...]

aaa, file1 => file1, 2, [238, 246]
              file2, 1, [449]
bbb, file1 => file1, 1, [242]
              file2, 2, [445, 453]

Output: term, document_frequency => [(filename, term_frequnecy, [offset, ...]), ...]

aaa, 2 => [(file1, 2, [238, 246]), (file2, 1, [449])]
bbb, 2 => [(file1, 1, [242]), (file2, 2, [445, 453])]

By default, the output of BuildInvertedIndex is in SequenceFile format which can be easily restore to java objects.


Steps in Query class:

  1. Reads records directly from HDFS
  2. Filter records by terms in the given query
  3. Generate file list of each term and calculate tf-idf score of each file
  4. Merge file list according to query
  5. Print the merged file list


1. How many pass do you used to run mapReduce in part1? Is there any other method to do it? What's the advantage and disadvantage?

One pass mapReduce in part1.

Many other ways:

  1. Term frequencies can be calculated in the mapper not combiner. Advantage: No combiner. Disadvantage: The mapper needs to keep a big variable for storing the counts and offsets of all kinds of words. Consumes more memory.

  2. Term frequencies can be calculated in the reducer. Disadvantage: That needs one more map reduce pass for calculating document frequency.

  3. File names can be sorted in the reducer. Advantage: The redundant file name in the key can be removed. Disadvantage: That needs more memory for sorting file names.

2. What is your extension? What’s the most difficult part in your implementation?

My extension is supporting basic Google query syntax. All supported operands is described in the following.

  • term1 term2 means AND
  • term1 OR term2 means OR
  • -term1 means no term1

The query universe -wood book OR sport store means (universe AND (book OR sport) AND store) WITHOUT wood. The most difficult part is to use jparsec library to parse the query and merge the file list of each term by the syntax of query. This is my first java program and the jparsec library is pretty complex.