
ExpressionAttributeValues must not be empty

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  partitionKey = "some-partition-key",
  update = Expression(
    "REMOVE #x1",
    Map("#x1" -> "someAttribute"),

This will result in the following error:

software.amazon.awssdk.services.dynamodb.model.DynamoDbException: ExpressionAttributeValues must not be empty

If I understand correctly you shouldn't set the expressionAttributeValues to an empty collection, but rather not set it at all in that case. I guess that probably the same issue can occur for expressionAttributeNames.
Essentially it's a bug in the aws SDK imho.

A workaround I found for now is adding a condition that should always be true, because the names and values will be merged with those of the update:

condition = Expression(
  "attribute_not_exists(#idontexist) OR #idontexist = :dummy",
  Map("#idontexist" -> "idontexist"),
  Map(":dummy" -> "dummy".asAttributeValue)