
Refactor TextInput Component

Closed this issue · 4 comments


This issue is related to refactoring the TextInput related components.

Refactoring will require the TextInput and other text input components such as TextInputWithIcon, TextInputWithButtons and TextInputWithBadges as well.

Thank you to @XoMute for the initial discovery.

Acceptance Criteria

Refactor the component from a class component to a function component.
Feel free to contribute other improvements to the component while refactoring if you notice any.

Refer to other components to keep formatting consistent. For example, reference the Badge, BadgeButton, or Tabs components.

How to Contribute

Please review the contributing documentation beforehand.

Steps to Contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone it to your local system.
  3. Create a new branch. Please adhere to branch formatting, for example <your_initials>/refactor/<component_name>
  4. Make your changes. Make sure that tests are still passing. To update snapshot tests, run npm run test -- -u and include the updated tests in your commit.
  5. Commit your changes. When committing be sure to prefix with the appropriate conventional commit type. For example, refactor: button component.
  6. Push up your changes. In GitHub, click the compare & pull request button to begin drafting your pull request.
  7. Fill out the pull request form and attach the "ready to review" label when complete.

Hi @nataliepina
I'd like to work on this issue

I've assigned the issue to you @XoMute, thanks!

@nataliepina With refactoring TextInput component from class into function, other text input components such as TextInputWithIcon, TextInputWithButtons and TextInputWithBadges will need refactoring as well.

Sorry for the trouble, but I don't have capacity to do such great amount of work

@nataliepina With refactoring TextInput component from class into function, other text input components such as TextInputWithIcon, TextInputWithButtons and TextInputWithBadges will need refactoring as well.

Sorry for the trouble, but I don't have capacity to do such great amount of work

No problem, thank you for the discovery work @XoMute . If you still have interest in making a contribution, the Clickable component refactor should only need one file refactored.