simple ticks generating from linear scale does not include domain
daBlesr opened this issue · 1 comments
I have a linear scale with domain:
const linearScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([-500000000, 2000000000]);
The ticks generator does not include the domain for a number of ticks between 8 and 17 inclusive:
produces [-400000000, -200000000, 0, 200000000, 400000000, 600000000, 800000000, 1000000000, 1200000000, 1400000000, 1600000000, 1800000000, 2000000000]
and linearScale.ticks(7)
produces the correct [-500000000, 0, 500000000, 1000000000, 1500000000, 2000000000]
This is somewhat unfortunate because now I have to loop over a range of desired number of ticks, till I can find an output where the domain is included.
d3-scale version 3.2.3
d3-array version 2.12.0
d3 version 6.6.0
You need to use scale.nice if you want the ticks to start and stop at the domain’s extent.