
This line breaks ie supports even if there is babel

AtahanAltiparmak opened this issue · 4 comments

nodeById = new Map(nodes.map((d, i) => [id(d, i, nodes), d])),

This line of code should be like below

nodeById = new Map(nodes.map(function(d, i) {
    return [id(d, i, nodes), d];

Please find another forum to request help with Babel.

Fil commented

There is a working example at https://github.com/Fil/d3-template
Live version https://d3-template.fil.vercel.app/
Tested both with es-check es5 dist/*js and with browserstack against IE9.

There is a working example at https://github.com/Fil/d3-template
Live version https://d3-template.fil.vercel.app/
Tested both with es-check es5 dist/*js and with browserstack against IE9.

Thank you @Fil . We are developing quasar spa vue application in our company. This library is used in Amcharts as a dependency. By the way, I solved my problem with the quasar.conf.js like below

build: { transpileDependencies: [ '@amcharts', ], ... }