
Interpolate typed arrays?

mbostock opened this issue · 5 comments

It’d be nice if there were an interpolator for typed arrays, like Float32Array. The existing d3.interpolateArray is almost what we want—the only change you’d need to make is to say c = new b.constructor(nb) rather than c = new Array(nb).

However, there are two considerations with this approach:

  • Should d3.interpolate delegate to d3.interpolateArray if b is a typed array? If so, we will need to use a different test than Array.isArray that also returns true for typed arrays.

  • How should d3.interpolateArray behave if b is not an array and not a typed array? The current implementation is guaranteed to return an Array even if b is not an array (but may be an array-like). If c is constructed using b.constructor, the change to d3.interpolateArray might be considered backwards-incompatible.

It might make more sense to introduce a new d3.interpolateTypedArray, and keep the current behavior of d3.interpolateArray. And we could optionally extend d3.interpolate to delegate to d3.interpolateTypedArray for typed array input. Seems like the following test would work:

function isTypedArray(x) {
  return ArrayBuffer.isView(x) && !(x instanceof DataView);

Hey @mbostock -- any thoughts on typed array support? We have a lot of "bulk" data we'd like to be about to pass directly to D3...

Fil commented

interpolateArray would not handle typed arrays with 10 or 100 millions of rows. Indeed above 1e6 values it starts to crumble.

An implementation with typed arrays:

Fil commented

@chadbr please see the pull-request #65 and test at https://observablehq.com/d/d966cf85471db4f7

@Fil awesome :)

Added interpolateNumberArray and typed array detection in #77.