
queue async continue on error

darul75 opened this issue · 2 comments

first great job I love it.
would it be possible to get results even when one or several errors have occured during process. it would be great

var q = queue(1);

q.defer(fnAsync1, {});
q.defer(fnAsync2; {}); // throw error
q.defer(fnAsync3, {});
q.awaitAll(function(error, results) {     
   // results from 1 and 3

The recommended way of doing this is to invoke the callback without an error, and then pass whatever you want into the results. For example, you could wrap a task that calls back with an error with something that instead returns a null result:

    .defer(ignoreError, taskThatSometimesFails)
    .defer(ignoreError, taskThatSometimesFails)
    .awaitAll(function(error, results) {
      if (error) throw error; // never happens
      console.log(results); // e.g., [0.23068457026965916, undefined]

function ignoreError(task, callback) {
  task(function(error, result) {
    return callback(null, result); // ignore error

function taskThatSometimesFails(callback) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var x = Math.random();
    if (x > .5) return callback(new Error("failed"));
    callback(null, x);
  }, 250);

perfect, thank you for use case and code