
bind variable to .await()

timmy-guyon opened this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible to pass a variable to .await()?
It doesn't look like .await() supports .bind(). Forgive my ignorance, I'm new to both d3 and asynchronous programming.

Here's my code for context
`function update_left_chart_v2() {
console.log("\n update left chart called v2!");
var leftSection = $("#dashboard > div:nth-child(2) > div.left-section").width();

for (svgSection in indexSVGSections) {
    //define variables for section
    sectionNumber = indexSVGSections[svgSection]["sectionNumber"];
    sectionMetric = indexSVGSections[svgSection]["sectionMetric"];
    sectionMetricCode = indexSVGSections[svgSection]["sectionMetricCode"];
    sectionIndexes = indexSVGSections[svgSection]["indexes"];
    console.log('section number: ' + sectionNumber + ' |section metric: ' + sectionMetric + '|section metric code: ' + sectionMetricCode + '\n');

    //add each d3.csv call to a queue, process when all completed
    var q = d3.queue();

    for (var index in sectionIndexes) {
        index = sectionIndexes[index];
        var fileName = index["fileName"];
        var indexActive = index["active"];
        var className = index["className"];

        if (indexActive) {
            var filePath = directory + "out-" + fileName + "-" + sectionMetricCode + ".csv";

            q.defer(d3.csv, filePath);

        } else {



    function nullIndex(callback) {

    q.await(function(error, index1Data, index2Data, index3Data) {
       //THIS IS WHERE I NEED TO USE THE VARIABLE "sectionNumber" which changes with each iteration of for loop
        if (error) {
        } else {
            if(sectionCounter > 5){
                sectionCounter = 1;

            console.log("await finished");
            console.log(" index 1 data");

            // console.log("index 2 data");
            // console.log(index2Data);
            // console.log("\n");

            // console.log("index 3 data");
            // console.log(index3Data);
            // console.log("\n");

            var dataAssigned = false;
            index1Data.forEach(function(rowData, i) {
                rowDate = rowData.date;
                rowValue = rowData.value;
                if (rowDate.substr(0, 4) == sliderYear && !dataAssigned) {
                    console.log("date: ", rowDate, " | row value: ", rowValue, " | i: ", i);
                    dataAssigned = true;

                    // indexSVGSections[section1]






when "console.log(sectionNumber)" is called, it reads and calls it as its last assigned value, as it's being called asynchronusly. I need to bind each iteration of sectionNumber to .await() so it can read it as it changes.

Just a suggestion - you could wrap d3.csv in a custom function and then pass sectionNumber to this function.

The q.defer call might look like this -

q.defer(myCustomCsvLoader, filePath, sectionNumber)