
Docker images for HPC

Primary LanguageDockerfileMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

HPC Docker Images


Dockerfile Description
wsclean_idg_cuda.Dockerfile wsclean with IDG and CUDA support
tap.Dockerfile Virtual Observatory Table Access Protocol (TAP) client
ssins.Dockerfile Sky Subtracted Incoherent Noise Spectra flagging package

Determining your nvidia version

find the gpu partitions


salloc into each gpu partition, run nvidia-smi and grep for the CUDA version

for partition in skylake-gpu milan-gpu; do sbatch --partition $partition --gres=gpu:1 --wrap 'nvidia-smi' -o ${partition}.out; done
grep 'CUDA Version' *.out
milan-gpu.out:| NVIDIA-SMI 535.129.03             Driver Version: 535.129.03   CUDA Version: 12.2     |
skylake-gpu.out:| NVIDIA-SMI 535.129.03             Driver Version: 535.129.03   CUDA Version: 12.2     |

Building the images

annoyingly nvidia-smi doesn't report cuda runtime patch version, and nvidia doesn't publish docker images tagged with the minor version, so you need to look up the latest patch version from https://hub.docker.com/r/nvidia/cuda/tags and just pray that this works.

export NVIDIA_VERSION=12.2.2
export IDG_VERSION=1.2.0
export DOCKER_USER=$(docker info | sed '/Username:/!d;s/.* //');
docker build \
    -f wsclean_idg_cuda.Dockerfile \
    --build-arg="NVIDIA_VERSION=${NVIDIA_VERSION}" \
    --build-arg="IDG_VERSION=${IDG_VERSION}" \
    -t ${DOCKER_USER}/wsclean_idg:nvidia${NVIDIA_VERSION}-idg${IDG_VERSION}-wsclean${WSCLEAN_VERSION} \

Testing an image

you can test an image locally if you happen to have a compatible gpu

docker run --rm -it --gpus all ${DOCKER_USER}/wsclean_idg:nvidia${NVIDIA_VERSION}-idg${IDG_VERSION}-wsclean${WSCLEAN_VERSION} bash

Publishing an image

docker push ${DOCKER_USER}/wsclean_idg:nvidia${NVIDIA_VERSION}-idg${IDG_VERSION}-wsclean${WSCLEAN_VERSION}

Create singularity image

on the login node

module load singularity
# - specify the image to update:
export img="wsclean_idg"
# - specify the url of the docker image
export url= ... # e.g. "docker://d3vnull0/wsclean_idg:nvidia12.2.2-idg1.2.0-wsclean3.4"
# - cd into singularity directory
cd /fred/oz048/MWA/CODE/singularity/
# - make a directory for the img if it doesn't exist
[ -d $img ] || mkdir $img
# - create the singularity image
singularity pull --force --dir $img "$url"

Running singularity image

salloc --partition skylake-gpu --gres=gpu:1 --time=01:00:00
module load singularity
singularity exec --nv \
    --bind /fred/oz048/ \
    /fred/oz048/MWA/CODE/singularity/wsclean_idg/wsclean_idg_nvidia12.2.2-idg1.2.0-wsclean3.4.sif \
    wsclean -name idgtest -niter 0 \
        -scale 0.02 -size 1024 1024 \
        -auto-threshold 0.5 -auto-mask 3 \
        -pol I -multiscale -weight briggs 0  -j 10 -mgain 0.85 \
        -no-update-model-required -abs-mem 30 \
        -use-idg -idg-mode hybrid \