[BUG] How can I flip x/y and a/b?
Closed this issue · 1 comments
jimmychuichui commented
Describe the bug
The old BetterJoy will create a config file when first starting, and i am able to change it there, however, this fork didn't have such feature so i cannot change that.
Expected behavior
Able to flip x/y and a/b via a config file.
Controller (please complete the following information):
- Type: Pro
- Connection :BT
d3xMachina commented
When you download BetterJoy there are multiple file in the archive. You need to extract all those files. One of those file is "BetterJoy.dll.config", this is the config file.
To flip x/y or a/b you can change in the config file the value of the key "SwapAB" to true and same for "SwapXY".
The other way to change the config is directly from the GUI of BetterJoy :
- Click on the button
- Check the boxes for SwapAB and SwapXY and click on Apply.