[BUG] Dolphin Emulator motion issue
Closed this issue · 2 comments
LevRost2306 commented
When i choose SDL as input, i get a bit incorrect motion input (cursor moves up and down when i rotate joycon left and right), but when i choose DSUClient as input, it works well, but button input doesn't work at all :/ (official joycon)
d3xMachina commented
Try the latest build with DSUClient as input, inputs should work :
As for SDL I cannot do anything as it's not handled by BetterJoy but a general purpose library Dolphin is using.
LevRost2306 commented
Thanks, I'll try but i found temporary solution: advanced input, sdl for buttons and dsu for motion, it's a bit hard to implement in dolphin, but anyway it's possible and I made it work like it should be :)