[BUG] dupliacate timestamp enqueued
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Describe the bug
Logs appear frequently after starting:
Duplicate timestamp enqueued.
Duplicate timestamp enqueued.
Duplicate timestamp enqueued.
Duplicate timestamp enqueued.
Duplicate timestamp enqueued.
Expected behavior
I use the Joy controllers and BetterJoy LTS 8.0 version, there are a lot of logs appeared in the log: ' Duplicate timestamp enqueued.',
and then lose active show in the task management
Controller (please complete the following information):
- Type: Pro Joycons
- Connection: BT
- System: Windows10 64bit
- Simulator: yuzu 1525 (2023-08-16)
** Screenshot
The message "Duplicate timestamp enqueud" means you either have the same packet with all the inputs sent by the controller received multiple times or that the timestamp in the packet is not updated.
I have a few questions :
- Do you use the original nintendo pro controller or a thirdparty controller ? If it's a thirdparty controller it's possible they don't update the timestamp in the packet sent by the controller. If that's the case, I could make a change to ignore the timestamp for thirdparty controllers.
- Also, is hidhide installed and enabled in the config ? It helps avoiding conflict with other softwares and yuzu talks to the controller directly (it's possible to use the pro controller without betterjoy with yuzu).
- Was yuzu already started when you started betterjoy ?
- Do you have a way to reproduce the bug ? I tried different things connected in BT (with and without hidhide) and with yuzu but couldn't reproduce it.
- Do you have the same issue if you connect your controller in USB ? It could be a BT adapter issue since some of them are pretty bad. I bought a usb one not long ago and it had lag and random disconnect/reconnect issues. No issue after I bought a better one.
Thank you for your response.
- I am using a third-party controller in Switch mode.
- I have installed hidhide, but I haven't been starting it manually when using BetterJoy. It was my mistake, as I thought it would automatically start like a driver program.
- I haven't tried connecting my controller with USB yet, as it only supports Switch mode through a Bluetooth connection.
I will try starting hidhide when using BetterJoy later. Thank you for your hard work again.
You don't have to start hidhide manually, it's started by BetterJoy but it needs to be enabled in the configuration of BetterJoy. To do that you need to click on the arrow pointing to the right on the right side of the UI, it will expand the window and show the configuration. You have to tick the "UseHidHide" option next and click on "Apply" on the bottom right. It will restart BetterJoy with the new configuration.
You also have to check that you have the line "HIDHide is enabled" in the logs to be sure it's properly working.
Can you test the following version of BetterJoy to see if it works (I just disabled the timestamp check for thirdparty controllers) :
You have to replace your BetterJoy.exe in your installation folder with the one in this archive.
Thank you for your effort. It is now functioning properly after replacing the provided archive and enabling the "UseHidHide" option in the configuration menu.
There are a few small problems now:
- The 'Duplicate timestamp enqueued.' logs still exist.
- After running for a few minutes, the title bar of BetterJoy will display "No response.", but it is working also.
- If the "No response." appeared, BetterJoy is using a slightly higher amount of memory as shown in the task manager (500M - 800M). I have noticed that the normal range on my computer is around 300M.
Thank you very much once again. I hope this information can help in improving this useful tool further.
Since the duplicate timestamp message still exist, it means the controller was detected automatically and was not added manually with the "Add Controllers" button (or that I messed up somehow). If that's the case, it also means the controller has the vendor ID of nintendo which is pretty shady for a third-party.
I removed the duplicate timestamp message when not debugging in the following archive so it should not appears anymore. It should fix the program not responding and having high memory usage. (should be around 30MB)
Everything mentioned above is now functioning properly. The duplicate timestamp message no longer appears, the 'not responding' issue has been resolved, and memory usage is normal at around 30MB. Overall, everything looks great.
I sincerely appreciate your hard work and assistance; you have greatly helped me. I can finally enjoy playing games now :)
I will close this issue at a later time.
Best regards to you.