
monitor reply,like tweets or retweet?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Can you add the ability to listen for replies or like tweets or retweets against one of your own tweets?

You can use streaming to listen for engagement updates for specific tweets.

from twikit.streaming import Topic

# Input the ids of the tweets you want to listen for
tweet_ids = ['1792444629666927026', '1792502527164125517']

# Define the list of topics to listen for events.
topics = {
    Topic.tweet_engagement(id) for id in tweet_ids

# Initialize the streaming session.
streaming_session = client.get_streaming_session(topics)

# Iterate through the streaming session and detect events.
for topic, payload in streaming_session:
    if payload.tweet_engagement:
        engagement_event = payload.tweet_engagement

        # Extract the tweet id from the topic string.
        tweet_id = topic.split('/')[-1]

        like_count = engagement_event.like_count
        reply_count = engagement_event.reply_count
        view_count = engagement_event.view_count
        quote_count = engagement_event.quote_count
        retweet_count = engagement_event.retweet_count

        print(f'Engagement Updated ({tweet_id})')
        if like_count is not None:
            print(f'Like Count: {like_count}')
        if reply_count is not None:
            print(f'Reply Count: {reply_count}')
        if view_count is not None:
            print(f'View Count: {view_count}')
        if quote_count is not None:
            print(f'Quote Count: {quote_count}')
        if retweet_count:
            print(f'Retweet Count: {retweet_count}')


Document : https://twikit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/twikit.html#streaming

Dear Sir, Thank you for your answer, can I also ask you, you are demonstrating to get the number of REPLY or LIKE, can you get the content of the REPLY?

d60 commented

retrieve the latest reply using search_tweet when a reply update event received.

reply = client.search_tweet('conversation_id:1792571239103418577', 'Latest')[0]


retrieve the latest reply using search_tweet when a reply update event received.


reply = client.search_tweet('conversation_id:1792571239103418577', 'Latest')[0]


Wow, that's brilliant, thank you for your reply. Have a great day every day.