
same problem to \/, the quantification is not rewritten correctly for /\, see formula at the end

lazkany opened this issue · 1 comments

channels: c, empty, g1, g2,vmm1,vmm2,vmm3,t
enum rolevals {clnt, vm, mgr}
enum msgvals {reserve, request, release, buy, connect, full,complete}
message-structure: MSG : msgvals, LNK : channel
communication-variables: cv : rolevals
guard g(r : rolevals, c : channel, m : channel) := (channel == *) && (@cv == r) | (channel == c) && (@cv == mgr) | (channel == m) ;

agent Client
    local: role : rolevals, cLink : channel, mLink : channel, tLink : channel
    init: cLink == c && mLink == empty && tLink == t && role==clnt
        cv <- role
    receive-guard: (channel == *) | (channel == cLink) | (channel == tLink)

    repeat: (
            (sReserve: <cLink==c> *! g(role,cLink,mLink)(MSG := reserve)[cLink := c]
            rReserve: < cLink==c && MSG == reserve> *? [cLink := empty]

            (sRequest: <cLink!=empty> cLink! g(role,cLink,mLink)(MSG := request)[cLink := c];
             rConnect: <mLink==empty && MSG == connect> cLink? [mLink := LNK];
             sRelease: <TRUE> *! g(role,cLink,mLink)(MSG := release)[cLink := empty];
             sBuy: <mLink!=empty> mLink! g(role,cLink,mLink)(MSG := buy)[mLink := empty];
                sSolve: <TRUE> tLink! g(role,cLink,tLink)(MSG := complete)[]
                <MSG == complete> tLink? []

             rRelease: <cLink==empty && MSG == release> *? [cLink := c]

agent Manager
    local: role : rolevals, cLink : channel, sLink : channel, hLink : channel
    init: hLink == g1 && sLink == g2 && cLink == c && role==mgr
        cv <- role
    receive-guard: (channel == *) | (channel == cLink) | (channel == hLink)

    repeat: (
            rRequest: <MSG == request> cLink? [];
            sForward: <TRUE> hLink! (TRUE)(MSG := request)[];
             rep (rFull: <MSG == full> hLink? [];
                  sRequest: <TRUE> sLink! (TRUE)(MSG := request)[]
             rConnect: <MSG == connect> cLink? []

agent Machine
    local: gLink : channel, pLink : channel, cLink : channel, asgn : bool
    init: !asgn && (cLink == empty)
        cv <- vm
    receive-guard: (channel == *) | (channel == gLink)  | (channel == pLink) | (channel == cLink)

    repeat: (
           rForward: <cLink==empty && MSG == request> gLink? [cLink:= c];
             sConnect: <cLink==c && !asgn> cLink! (TRUE)(MSG := connect, LNK := pLink)[cLink:= empty, asgn:= TRUE]
             sFull: <cLink==c && asgn> gLink! (TRUE)(MSG := full)[cLink:= empty, asgn:= TRUE]
             rConnect: <cLink==c && MSG == connect> cLink? [cLink:= empty]

             rFull: <cLink==c && asgn && MSG == full> gLink? [cLink:= empty, asgn:= TRUE]
            rBuy: <MSG == buy> pLink? []

system = Client(client1,TRUE) | Client(client2,TRUE) | Client(client3,TRUE) |  Manager(manager,TRUE) | Machine(machine1,gLink==g1 && pLink==vmm1) | Machine(machine2,gLink==g1 && pLink==vmm2) | Machine(machine3,gLink==g2 && pLink==vmm3)

SPEC /\ k : Client . G ( [sender=k & exists(cv = clnt) & forall(cv = clnt) & MSG=reserve] (F <sender=k & exists(cv = mgr) & forall(cv = mgr) & MSG=request>true))

The problem here is that I was not normalising the next part of a [] or <> formula, it should be repaired with commit 915b1ed.