
Extension .control file?

decibel opened this issue · 4 comments

Where is the extension control file? Is there a way to install this somewhere that doesn't have apt?

Hi !

Thanks for your interest in this piece of code. There's no control file because it's not a PostgreSQL extension per se. This is just a foreign data wrapper based on multicorn. I could make it an extension but I didn't feel the need to because this FDW is basically a proof of concept.

If you want to install it you need to install multicorn first

The simply run :
$ sudo python setup.py install

And restart the PostgreSQL service
$ sudo service postgresql restart

You can now launch test.sql with a superuser

Out of curiosity, what are you trying to achieve this FDW ? Personnally I use it to extract some stats from the FDW page ont the postgresql wiki and don't see many other use cases.

FTR I just switched to python 3 and pushed a docker image. you can just type

docker run -p 65432:5432 -d daamien/fdw_fdw

and then:

psql -h -p 65432 -U postgres -c "SELECT * FROM wrappers;"

There's no control file
because it's not a PostgreSQL extension per se.

Ahh, I was confused by the CREATE EXTENSION in test.sql; I didn't read
it closely enough to see what extension it was actually installing.

Out of curiosity, what are you trying to achieve this FDW ? Personnally
I use it to extract some stats from the FDW page ont the postgresql wiki
and don't see many other use cases.

Yeah, I just gave a talk at Scale that mentioned FDWs and I wanted a

count of how many there are. :)

Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

As of today, there's 98 FDW on the wiki page, although some NoSQL wrappers look very dubious