renderUI() fails with shinyjs 2.0 which works with shinyjs 1.0
iqbals opened this issue · 1 comments
iqbals commented
I have an error:
Warning: Error in renderUI: attempt to apply non-function
96: renderUI [/Users/sumaiya/Broad_Work/v2p/App/miscast07302020_replica/miscast07302020_r2/server.R#8281]
95: func
82: origRenderFunc
81: output$msaResearchVSR
1: shiny::runApp
thrown from following lines in the server.R
output$msaResearchVSR <- renderUI({
gene_wise_info=read_delim(paste("gene_wise_info/",input$reportTgeneSelected,".txt",sep=''), "\t", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
shinyjs::js$runMsa(containerId=msaContainerVSRId, aaInputId="aa_Selected", sequence=paste(gene_wise_info$`Amino Acid`, collapse=""))
The code and my app runs perfectly with shinyjs 1.0, but when I installed shinyjs 2.0, I get this error.
Any help will be very much appreciated