
Export format was broken

sayamkrai opened this issue · 3 comments

i have tried to export a org chart, but the picture result was broken not match with the UI before export.
From an example link:


After i clicked a "Export" button i got a below result.

FYI, this happen on Chrome and Firefox, the IE work correctly.

Hi @sayamkrai , what's your Chrome version?

@dabeng , my chrome version is "56.0.2924.87 (64 bit)"

However, I have tried to reproduce with another laptop, Seem like is only happen for my laptop. the browser version may not the issue that I thought, I tried to check with another path, and I found it.

display setting
My screen display setting was set to "125% (Recommend)"

I have changed to "100%"

and then i go to you link example link http://dabeng.github.io/OrgChart/export-orgchart/, and i tried to export it from chrome. And now the result was correctly.

Your org chart lib is very good and I hope this information help you to improve your lib.

Thank you very much 😊 , I have updated readme according to your exploration.