
Example repository of how to query Lens BigQuery with Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lens BigQuery with node.js

This is an example proejct showing how to query Lens BigQuery Data from a Node.js application.


You must first create a Google Cloud project and then a Service Accounts Credential. You'll need to save the service account credential locally as keyfile.json.

To learn how to do this, watch this video.

Running the app

  1. Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:dabit3/lens-bigquery-with-node.js.git
  1. Change into the new directory and install dependencies
cd ens-bigquery-with-node.js

npm install # or yarn, pnpm
  1. Save the Key File as keyfile.json.

  2. Run the app

node fetchTables.js
  1. Configure getProfilePosts and getProfileStats with whichever profile ID you'd like to query for.