
How to make posts private for a user?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In the getStaticProps method in the posts/[id].js file, there is the following query to Supabase:

  const { data } = await supabase
    .filter("id", "eq", id)

According to the Readme, we set up Row Level Security with the following policy:

create policy "Posts are public." on posts for
    select using ( true );

In a production setting, this means that a user could technically access Supabase directly i.e

const { data } = await supabase.from("posts").select()

To get all of the posts in the database, including ones they did not author.

Is there a configuration change that would make the posts private, or only accessible to the authoring user?

Thanks for the great open source template, it worked perfectly otherwise.

I dug in a bit and realized that if I apply

uid() = user_id

for the select policy, that it will work expectedly on the client side Supabase method invocations

However, in the getStaticProps and getStaticPath methods, it appears to fail.

I imagine the server-side Supabase instance is not properly authenticated.