
Fern and forks

amoffat opened this issue · 10 comments

Hi, I'm interested in using fern logging in forked subprocesses, however, I don't see a way to uninstall the parent process's global logger and install a child process logger for the subprocess. What is the recommendation here?

I don't think fern provides any utilities at the moment which allow changing loggers after setting an initial logger. This could be a reasonable feature, though!

In the meantime, if you need this a stopgap implementation like this should function:

use std::sync::RwLock;

use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;

static LOG_INSTANCE: OnceCell<RwLock<Option<Box<dyn log::Log>>>> = OnceCell::new();

struct UseChangeableLog;

impl log::Log for UseChangeableLog {
    fn enabled(&self, metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool {
        with_log(|o| {
            o.map(|l| l.enabled(metadata)).unwrap_or(false)
    fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) {
        with_log(|o| {
            if let Some(l) = o {
    fn flush(&self) {
        with_log(|o| {
            if let Some(l) = o {

fn with_log<O>(f: impl FnOnce(Option<&dyn log::Log>) -> O) -> O {
    let opt_lock = LOG_INSTANCE.get();
    match opt_lock {
        None => f(None),
        Some(lock) => {
            let guard = lock.read().unwrap();
            f(guard.as_ref().map(|b| &**b))

fn set_log_reusable(max: log::LevelFilter, log: Box<dyn log::Log>) {
    let mutex = LOG_INSTANCE.get_or_init(Default::default);
        // ignore panics; we're completely overwriting the value
        let mut mutable = mutex.write().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner());
        *mutable = Some(log);
    // this will fail after the first call. that's OK since we're storing the
    // log elsewhere - so ignore the result
    let _ = log::set_logger(&UseChangeableLog);
    // this call on the other hand IS callable multiple times

log's global logger can only be set once, so to provide one that can be changed we need to implement our own concurrency. To use with fern, instead of doing fern::Dispatch::apply, you can do Dispatch::into_log and call the new function:

fn configure_logger(...) {
    let dispatch = fern::Dispatch::new().x().y().z()...;
    let (max_level, boxed_logger) = dispatch.into_log();
    set_log(max_level, boxed_logger);

@daboross thanks for the quick reply! Nice shim, worked perfectly as a drop-in replacement.

I'm having a little trouble getting it to work with forking though. The crux of the issue seems to be that if a thread in the parent process performs log while the child process is forking, that thread will hold the log mutex while the child process's memory space is copied from the parent. This means that--to the child--the log mutex is held forever, because the thread that acquired the mutex no longer exists in the child's memory space to release it. The result is that the child deadlocks when trying to set up its logger.

Threads and processes, fun :)

Ah, that makes sense! Forking is tricky.

Do you think it'd be reasonable to grab a mutable lock before forking, and only release it once the operation is complete? That way you could guarantee that the mutex is in a consistent unlocked state after the fork completes.

Could be done with a utility function like

fn with_mutable_logger_lock<O>(f: FnOnce() -> O) -> O {
    let mutex = LOG_INSTANCE.get_or_init(Default::default);
    let mut mutable = mutex.write().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner());
    let result = f();
    // explicit drop not 100% necessary, but helps clarity

I was considering suggesting using an UnsafeCell and the guarantee that there are no threads running after a fork, but I don't think it'd be safe to drop the old logger, since there would be no guarantee it was in a consistent state when the fork happened.

Acquire the lock, fork with f(), parent and child both release the lock, separately. It looks like it should work in theory. Still seeing a deadlock though when the child tries to acquire mutex.write(). Check this out:

use nix::unistd::{fork, ForkResult};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use std::error::Error;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::thread::{sleep, spawn};
use std::time::Duration;

static LOCK: OnceCell<Mutex<()>> = OnceCell::new();

fn with_lock<T>(f: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> T {
    let mutex = LOCK.get_or_init(Default::default);
    let guard = mutex.lock();
    let res = f();

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let bg_thread = spawn(|| loop {
        let mutex = LOCK.get_or_init(Default::default);
        let guard = mutex.lock();
        //println!("acquire in bg");
        //println!("release in bg");

    // give bg_thread a chance to start before forking

    let res = with_lock(fork)?;
    match res {
        ForkResult::Child => {
            let mutex = LOCK.get().unwrap();
            let held = mutex.try_lock().is_err();
            println!("CHILD mutex held: {}", held);
        ForkResult::Parent { child } => {
            let mutex = LOCK.get().unwrap();
            let held = mutex.try_lock().is_err();
            println!("PARENT mutex held: {}", held);

There's a background thread bg_thread which acquires the global lock for 50ms and then releases, in a loop. Then we fork a child process with the same pattern as above...acquiring the lock, forking, releasing the lock. But for some reason it consistently deadlocks for me. I think we are missing something. Strangely, if you uncomment the printlns in bg_thread, it won't deadlock.

Hmm it seems like the bg_thread loop is spinning too fast. Putting a sleep underneath the drop allows things to work as expected. Wtf though...how can the main thread, which is waiting on a lock, never wake up? The above code may be a red-herring though. I am trying to reproduce the deadlocking behavior that I'm still seeing in my main app.

I'm going to close this. I think the theory is right, I just have some app-specific weirdness going on. Thanks for your help @daboross

Seems that it may be an issue with RwLock + fork. My snippet above was using a Mutex, and so it wasn't seeing the same results. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61976745/why-does-rust-rwlock-behave-unexpectedly-with-fork

It is looking very likely that a RwLock/Mutex-based version of a changeable logger is not going to have defined behavior while forking. From the pthread_rwlock_unlock man pages:

Results are undefined if the read-write lock rwlock is not held by the calling thread.

I don't know why it matters if the child is a copy of the parent, but there must be some bits of state in the lock that have a thread id in it, causing it to misbehave in a fork.

So as it stands, I think that it's not possible to use the threading primitives to make a fork-friendly logger work. Opening back up to suggestions.

Troubling. I guess fork can lead to even more UB than I thought!

If the problem is the with the platform RwLock APIs, what about using a userspace lock implementation? The main one I know of is parking_lot. Even though there were some quality concerns raised in a review of it by rustc maintainers, and it doesn't hold up to std's quality standards, I think it's still seen as a pretty good lock implementation.

I guess I might imagine an alternative which does stuff using lower-level APIs, but I don't know exactly what it'd look like. Maybe we could add an additional AtomicBool "lock enabled" that the logger spins on waiting for true, and we only set to false while forking? Then we could lock the mutex once to ensure no one holds it, and no one grabs it during the fork. I can't think of a foolproof ordering of operations, though, so maybe this isn't viable.

The userspace locking or atomics sounds feasible. I ended up going in a different direction with my forking/logging model though (still using fern though, love it! Great work), so this issue has less relevance to me now. Thank you for your feedback, and feel free to close the issue if it's not something you want to work towards. It is a pretty rare case I imagine.